Monday, February 1, 2010

Le Voyeur

Mom thinks I have a problem, me?, I'm just doing what any naturally curioius Barbet would do! I enjoy "watching" the house. And that includes always being alert as to what is transpiring out the many windows in our house. Of course, I seek the ones which show me the most action.

Upstairs in the TV room, I can comfortably flop all over the expensive Ethan Allen suede (and I might add cream colored) sectional and perch myself in such a way to have a dog's eye view of my neighbors's kitchen and family room. The best part is they have 2 dogs - Senna and Ginger - LADIES, come and get it! HAHA. I am able to monitor them for hours if I like, all perfectly legal!

My other favorite spot is out the living room French Doors. There, I see bums going through our recycle bin, Rudy the wild Golden Retriever across the street who likes to run like a reindeer down the middle of the street and get to keep my eye on the neighbors who get a little too close for comfort sometimes. Mom says it's just that we live in the city and homes are close and technically they are both on their own property but the way I look at it, if I can see them, they are too close! So, a stare, a bark, a deep bellowing growl, that tells them - BARBET in the house, don't mess with us!

Mom keeps yelling "quiet" at me. Does she really think I understand? Heck, well maybe I do but I disregard her, this IS serious stuff. I am in charge here. Sasha is too small and just wants to hug and love and Kolby, well, he would just rather not be bothered so it all falls on my shoulders...good thing they are strong and well protected with my whirls of black curls!

Le Barbet, Le Voyeur, Le Pooch o Power!

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