Bon Jour! My name is Finley, The Whirl and Twirl Barbet, officially, Sebastien Biscay's Black Pearl. I was the first born Barbet in Ontario on June 15, 2008. I came to my new home in August 2008 in Buffalo, NY. This is the story of my life and a way for my Mom to continue to create awareness for my great but rare breed. I hope you enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoy creating them! Vive Le Barbet
Monday, August 5, 2013
Gone Viral
Since May Mom has been pulling out the garden as well as her hair! She spent thousands of dollars, NOT on me shockingly, but on beautifying the back yard to put the house on the Garden Walk, Kolby just peed on the grass, he could care a less and Mom had to change the sod twice! Me? I am in it for the photos...get me out there and in more homes that would never get to see the beauty that is the First Born Ontario Barbet. Check out my water dish here, snazzy, eh?