Monday, January 18, 2010

Today, little sister Sasha became sick. Dr.Souza
and his staff took her right in there. Of course,
Mom hadn't taken a shower, brushed her hair
nor did she have socks, gloves, or her bra on! Lol
She just jumped in the car and drove!

Thank God the people at our Vet's are literally
a second family. Mom better make sure she
looks spiffy on Friday when we are dropped
off to see Betty. Maybe they'll forgive her.

Mom also mentioned that our cousin Noelle,
a 7 month old Himalayan and my hunting toy,
ran out in her apartment hallway tonight. So,
Grandma was running, sans bra, down her
hallways trying to catch the kitty! Geesh! Think
a visit to Victoria's Secret is in order for both
of them and soon!

Well, enough activity here today. Kbear and I
are just sleeping with Sasha as we watch
over her. Very gray day here. Let's hope tomorrow is a better, Not
so Bouncy, day for Mom & Grandma!

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