Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today, Kolby and I were not sure why Sasha was meandering about, usually Mom puts her up in the cat room as we dogs call it. We think she forgot about her so I had to make sure she didn't get into any trouble while Mom was gone. Keep those claws off the furniture cat!

Yes, the same furniture that the chocolate lab Humphrey peed on and the same bench I lifted my leg to and marked when all those pesky little Barbet puppies were here last December with Nana Paula. But, we're Dogs, we're different, very acceptable behavior. Mom can just clean it up. She has all those expensive Woolite, OxyClean, Pet Cleaners. She's prepared.

I was hoping that Mom would be coming back quickly. I can't carry this cat forever, really! Kolby and I got a reprieve when Momma Maria showed up for the walk. Good walk today, we pull, Momma Maria runs! HAHA. She gets a better work out than we do! We keep wondering when she will bring that HUGE Bloodhound back. He was fun to corner and gang up on, but Lordy, what a howl, nearly sent Kolby airborne and me, well I just howled louder so I didn't have to listen to him!

On second thought, best he not show up again. Really don't want the neighbors to kick us out here :) Luckily, No bloodhound with her today and then shortly thereafter Mom was home...phew, that cat is all YOURS now lady! I need to go back and get my beauty sleep...zzzzzz